Learn more about ENFIA AwardsAwards
“The Chief’s Volunteer Program National Awards” are given each year to a limited number of organizations and individuals in recognition of their contribution to the National Forests. In 1999, ENFIA and a long time member, Joel Knowles, received such awards.
All ENFIA members accumulate hours for their volunteer work. Our first level award is for 1,000 hours. Awards are given bi-annually at the year end General Meeting. This is always a party meeting with games and fun filled activities.
If you are interested in becoming a member, please see the membership page. If you are already a member and would like to get involved in one of our continuing projects, please contact one of our Board Members.

Syd Perryman holds the award given to ENFIA for its contribution to the Eldorado National Forest

Joel Knowles holds the award he received for his contribution to the Eldorado National Forest. Standing to his right are Judy Yandoh, Amador District Ranger when the award was given (his far right) and Mary Knowes. To his left are Karen Finlayson (his far left) and Janice Gordon.